Panta Rhei on Poštová Street in Bratislava is a place for lovers of the book world, as well as a quality audiovisual experience. We therefore enthusiastically started to fulfill the requirement to become a kind of a tele-bridge between the real and the book world.
In the bookshop, they faced mainly problems with the connection of sound reinforcement system and with complicated connection of several microphones at once. It was also necessary to solve problems with recording sound directly from the mixing console and transferring it to the sound system. The basic premise was to find a more suitable solution instead of the original portable sound system, two large speakers with a mixing desk and two cable microphones.
Our experts had to come up with a conceptual solution from A to Z and design a sound reinforcement system, video projection and signal distribution for the media within the bookstore space, where they regularly organize various events.

Mário Tonkovič
Project specialist and AV Consultant, MediaTech Central Europe
+421 220 999 700 / mediatech@mediatech.sk
„Panta Rhei approached us with a request for the design, delivery and installation of a video projection and sound reinforcement system for the stage area for the purpose of holding discussions. The requirements for the audiovisual system were defined: distribution of the audio signal to other areas, possibility of sound recording, simplicity of operation and at the same time optimization of the financial scope of delivery. If you combine many years of experience in the design and implementation of AV technologies, personal approach, trained and experienced team, reliable equipment, guaranteed warranty and post-warranty service of equipment, the result is customer satisfaction“
The process of individual approach began with an introductory interview and consideration of all technological pros and cons based on the client’s individual requirements. Our common goal was to design a highly functional and high-quality audiovisual set with the simplest control possible. Our team of experts therefore, after careful consideration, decided to use YAMAHA products for sound reinforcement. We also chose a digital audio matrix with a control panel from YAMAHA. To illustrate the perfection of the audiovisual experience, we chose an EPSON projector and YAMAHA suspended speakers. We have added wireless microphones Audio – Technica 3000.
Client's opinion
“We put our trust in MediaTech’s technology solution after a thorough market research and references. We value an individual approach and we would characterize our cooperation in 3 words: Quality. Helpfulness. Communication. We are thrilled with the simplicity of using the proposed and installed technological solutions and also pleasantly surprised by the price. We plan to use technologies on a larger scale in the online space, when recording audio into podcasts directly at events, as well as for livestream broadcasts. The response from our customers did not take long. Flawless technological and sound experience, which was appreciated even by professionals. The delivered AV technologies are also an invaluable asset to our team working with them – for ease of use. ”

Lukáš Bonk
Marketing director, Panta Rhei
We have used technology from our partners
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